SC-SIC Staff

Dr. Quantina Haggwood, SC-SIC Executive Director

An educator with over 25 years of experience, Quantina Haggwood, Ph.D. has an extensive background in leadership and school improvement.  She began her career as a middle school math teacher, earning distinctions such as school Teacher of the Year and finalist for district Teacher of the Year. Haggwood has also served as an elementary and a middle school principal. Under her leadership, the middle school exited state improvement status and earned Palmetto Gold and Silver Awards for student achievement.

As Director of Early Childhood Education and Executive Director of Teaching and Learning, Haggwood provided district-wide guidance and support for school improvement and program implementation. She has been instrumental in organizing and delivering professional development for teachers and leaders, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their roles. She further extended her expertise in leadership development and school transformation while supervising and supporting principals as Executive Director of Schools. Throughout each of these roles, Haggwood demonstrated her commitment to partnerships, recognizing the critical role of families and community members in school improvement efforts.  

Haggwood served in the Superintendent’s Cabinet and oversaw the operations of several district departments, including Special Services, K-12 Literacy, Elementary Education, Advanced Academic Programs, and Montessori Services. Haggwood's expertise in securing and managing substantial grants has enabled her to implement groundbreaking programs and initiatives. As a change agent, she led the initial expansion of early childhood services, significantly increasing access to high-quality early education within her district.

Throughout her 25-year career, Haggwood has been selected to participate in numerous leadership programs, including AASA's Aspiring Superintendent's Academy and Leadership Columbia.  She belongs to a multitude of professional, service and faith-based organizations.  Her ability to foster collaboration between schools, families, and community organizations has been a hallmark of her leadership approach, resulting in improved educational outcomes and stronger community ties.

Haggwood earned her bachelor’s degree in Elementary and Middle-level Education from the College of Charleston. She received Master's, Educational Specialist, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Educational Leadership from the University of South Carolina. Her academic background, combined with her extensive practical experience, make her a powerful catalyst for educational change.

Karen Utter, SC-SIC Associate Director

Karen Utter joined the SC-SIC staff in a part-time capacity in November 2010, becoming SC-SIC’s full-time Coordinator of Council Services in December 2014. She brings a wide range of experience and skills to SC-SIC developed over a career in the non-profit sector that has included the practice of law and teaching numerous trainings and workshops on legal issues for non-lawyers.

As SC-SIC Associate Director, Karen assists in the development of new materials, resources, website content, and other initiatives designed to assist local SICs in carrying out their roles and responsibilities. She also provides technical support in the areas of family and community engagement and school improvement. Karen created and oversees SC-SIC’s Engagement for Outcomes program, which provides participating SICs with training and ongoing technical assistance in planning, implementing, and evaluating their work. She also coordinates the Dick and Tunky Riley Award for SIC Excellence and conducts SIC-related training sessions statewide.

Karen is also Project Director of the Carolina Family Engagement Center (CFEC), a statewide effort funded through a U.S. Department of Education grant to grow and support the engagement of families from underserved populations in their local schools and the educational success of their children. As CFEC Project Director, Karen has overall responsibility for the work of the Center, to include CFEC staff oversight, network coordination with partner organizations, managing development and implementation of CFEC family engagement initiatives, and overseeing CFEC training, outreach, and resource development and implementation. Karen serves on the national Statewide Family Engagement Center Advisory Board.

Jennifer Dever, SC-SIC Communications Coordinator

Jennifer has served as the Communications Coordinator for the Carolina Family Engagement Center for over four years and has expanded her role to include SC-SIC. Jennifer has worked in marketing and communication for almost ten years, focusing on improved accessibility in communications and using alternative forms of communication to reach underserved and under reached communities.

SC-SIC Board of Trustees

Clara H. Heinsohn



Stewart Cooner

Immediate Past Chair 

West Columbia 

Dr. Tasha Louis-Nance 

Vice Chair


Jessica Adamson 


Rock Hill 

Elizabeth Horton Bost 


Maggie Dangerfield  


Rachel Hui-Hubbard 

Rock Hill 

Anita Hunter


Craig Q. King  

King Laurence 


Latusha McNeil 

Christie Moore


Crystal Sandifer 
